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Members Share Time, Treasure, Talent with Central Texas Food Bank

Impact Austin

By Tonya Netzley, Zones Chair

Impact Austin Zones are geographic areas across greater Austin where many of our members live and work. Zones enable us to more easily connect with the organization and fellow members through casual social activities and hands-on volunteer experiences throughout the year.

Hands-On Community Service Event at the Central Texas Food Bank

Our service-minded members truly enjoy being able to contribute their time to community efforts. What better way to start celebrating the holiday season than to hold another hands-on group volunteer activity at the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB)?

Eight of our members, representing many Zone areas, volunteered at the CTFB Warehouse on November 18. For a few members, this was their very first time providing their talent to help volunteer with the CTFB. Our volunteer shift had us inspecting food items, doing quality control, gathering banana boxes,

wrapping pallets and handling trash.

When the shift ended, we learned that CTFB has a special match right now for donations. After volunteering, many of us contributed our treasure in support. We also learned that CTFB is planning some exciting new changes next year. Check out their website and follow them on social media to learn more about their work.

Our members are so thankful that we continue to organize special community service Zone events that provide opportunities for us to give back. As you can see in this group photo, during this volunteer shift, we helped provide 2,550 meals for families in the Central Texas area!


Learn more about our Zones and all the benefits of Impact Austin membership.

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