Impact Austin combines donations from its members to award multiple grants each year to causes selected by our members.
Impact Austin invites nonprofits to request funding for programs, capacity building initiatives, or both. Applications can be submitted by single organizations or collaborative groups of organizations. Grant amounts will be based on membership levels and announced at the start of each grant cycle.
In June 2025, Impact Austin will award $294,000 in unrestricted grants in three focus areas:
Community, Education, and Health & Well-Being.
Two finalists will be selected in each focus area and voted upon by the members. The finalist in each focus area receiving the majority votes will be awarded the application grant amount of $80,000 and the other finalist will be awarded $18,000.
Award Date

Girls Giving Grants*
To improve the lives of youth in the community
April 2025

Community Grant
To enhance economic, social, environmental, or cultural initiatives
June 2025

Education Grant
To enhance education and learning
June 2025

Health and Well-Being Grant
To strengthen and enhance the lives of children and families, or positively impact the mental or physical health and wellness of people
June 2025
* To apply for a Girls Giving Grants Grant, please visit apply for g3 grants.
Thank you for your interest in applying for an Impact Austin grant.
2025 Impact Austin grant applications open for submission on January 8, 2025.
Applications are due by February 3, 2025, at 5:00PM CT.
​Before you begin, please carefully review the Eligibility Guidelines, Grants Calendar, and Application Process summarized below and explained with more detail in the Impact Austin Grant Application Guidelines. Once you are ready, use the "Open Grants Management System" button below to create or update your Agency Profile and begin your application. Your Agency Profile is unique to your organization based on EIN so it is important you enter your EIN accurately.
If your organization has previously applied for an Impact Austin grant, your organization already has an Agency Profile in our system. If you don't know if your organization has applied before, or you do not know the email address to login to your organization's Agency Profile in our system, please contact us and we can help you.
Grant Eligibility Guidelines
The organization submitting the application must be a public charity (not private foundation) with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
A proposal must:
Provide services in Bastrop, Hays, Travis, and/or Williamson counties, Texas
Use the entire grant amount (no partial grants)
Identify the focus area for the application (Community, Education, Health & Well-Being). Impact Austin does not provide guidance as to which focus area is appropriate.
Please review the more detailed Eligibility section in the Impact Austin Grant Application Guidelines before submitting your application. Impact Austin has the right to reassess the eligibility guidelines at any time without prior notice.
1. Submit Grant Application
Organizations must submit the grant application online via the Impact Austin Grant Management System by the submission deadline, including supplemental documents.
Please review the Impact Austin Grant Application Guidelines for all necessary details, including application process, deadlines, and required documents.
When you are ready to complete your grant application, please access the Grants Management System.
Applicants receive an email acknowledgement when the submission is complete. Impact Austin Grant Review Committee members evaluate all grant applications, select about six organizations in each focus area for further review, then select three to four semifinalists to participate in site visits. Applicants are notified at each stage.
Impact Austin reserves the right to reject an application for any reason, including a missed deadline or incomplete information.
2. Conduct a Site Visit
Impact Austin uses site visits with semifinalists to complete a general due diligence review, and to investigate and resolve any remaining questions regarding the organization or the proposed initiative. The visits may be conducted virtually or in person; the format and required attendees will be communicated to semifinalists when they are selected.
Following the site visit, Grant Review Committee members select and notify two finalists.
3. Attend Impact Austin Annual Meeting
Impact Austin sends information about each finalist to all Impact Austin members. We invite representatives from each finalist organization to make a five-minute presentation to the membership regarding your organization and the proposed initiative. Impact Austin members then vote to select grant recipients in each focus area.
Finalists participate in the Impact Austin Annual Meeting to be recognized for their grant awards. The format of the presentations and award meetings (in-person or virtual) will be determined closer to the meeting dates.
Impact Austin's Grants Calendar highlights important dates including: information and training sessions, application deadlines, key tasks, communications, and events.
​2025 GRANTS​​
01/08/2025 – Impact Austin 2024 Spring Nonprofit Workshop
01/08/2025 – Grant applications open for submission
02/03/2025 – Grant applications close at 5:00 p.m.
03/14/2025 – Initial grant review decisions communicated
04/11/2025 – Semifinalist decisions communicated
04/24/2025-04/26/2024 – Site Visits
05/09/2025 – Finalist decisions communicated; all other applicants declined by this date
05/12/2025 – Finalist training
06/09/2025 – Impact Austin Annual meeting; announce Community Partners
06/30/2025 – Spring grant awards issued
Important documents and resources have been consolidated in the list below for reference.
2025 Nonprofit Workshop: [Watch Now] [Download Slides] [Download Q&A]​
​If you have questions, please email us at grants@impactaustin.org.