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  • Impact Austin

Member Spotlight on Julie Fritz

Julie Fritz is an Artist who brings her vision, focus and talent to everything in her life. Whether donating her art to support her favorite nonprofits, or simply bringing beauty into other people’s homes and lives, Julie touches her community.

Julie, how did you hear about Impact Austin and why did you decide to join? 

"I was a member of a similar organization in St Louis and came to the national Women's Collective Giving Network Conference here in Austin and met Rebecca Powers. A year later, in 2013, we moved here, following my grandchildren, and one of my first calls was to Rebecca.”

"Sign me up," I said!

What volunteer work you done at Impact Austin?

"I didn't necessarily join Impact Austin to do something, but I have been active on the Development Committee. About the same time as I joined, the organization was focusing more on sustainability, and it seemed to me an important area to use my skills.”

"In my former life, I ran an events marketing company, so I understood the importance of funding and sponsorship.”

We know you are a professional Artist. Will you tell us about that?

“I call myself an Abstract Texas Landscape Artist. When I retired about thirteen years ago, (has it really been that long?) I took up painting seriously and studied under some of the top oil and cold wax artists in the country. When I moved to Texas, it all came together: my abstract style, the rugged Texas landscape, and lots of big empty, white walls!”

What other nonprofits are you affiliated with and how?

"I am new to Austin, so have not gotten too involved yet. Since I am an artist, I find an effective way to give back is to donate a painting to many of the nonprofits' silent auctions - Hospice Austin, Settlement House, Helping Hands Home, Heart Ball, and the Texas Advocacy Project are some of them.

Tell us about your family.

"I have a wonderful husband and two daughters. One daughter lives here and one lives in Skaneateles, New York. Both of my daughters have two daughters, so I am on the plane constantly trying to be a full-time mother/grandmother to all.”

What is the most important thing you have learned by being an Impact Austin member and what is your favorite thing you have done with the organization?

"I think I have learned how efficient and effective the collective giving model is for impacting the community.”

"There is no way I have the expertise or time to make donations in such a "thoughtful" way, especially since I am new to Austin. Because I am so passionate about the success of Impact Austin, I am most excited every time I bring in a new member because I know it strengthens us, but more importantly, I know it strengthens the new member.”

What might we be surprised to learn about you?

"I have written and published two nonfiction books. One about a remote ranching valley in Southern Colorado where we lived for a while, and a humorous memoir-of-sorts about growing up in the Fifties. Both are on Amazon.”


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