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Impact Austin Names Six Nonprofits for Site Visits

Impact Austin

Impact Austin's spring grant cycle is one step closer to awards, with six nonprofits selected for site visits by the Community and Education Grant Review Committees (GRCs). In June, Impact Austin will award four grants across two focus areas totaling $241,200. Within each focus area, the nonprofit receiving the most member votes will receive a grant of $96,500 for the purpose outlined in its proposal. The second nonprofit in each focus area will receive an unrestricted award of $24,100.

Thank you to Anne Helmick-Lyon and Jerrica Deloney Witte, our GRC Coordinators. Impact Austin's Grant Finance Committee (GFC) is led by Barbara Hambleton, Lauren Lewis, and Coordinator Margaret Ballinger.

Community GRC

26 Impact Austin women are serving on the Community GRC, including 11 new members. The GRC is led by Krista McNaughton and Susan Tormollen, with Margaret von Flatern serving as Advisor. This GRC received 44 applications for funding. The three organizations now advancing to site visits are:

Education GRC

The Education GRC includes 21 Impact Austin women, including 6 first-year members. The GRC is led by Caitlin Gary and Lisa Glenn, with Elaine Jensen as their Advisor. This GRC received 28 applications for funding and selected five for deep-dive review. The three nonprofits now advancing to the site visit stage of review are:

What comes next? Who votes on grants?

Site visits with semi-finalists will occur during April 18-20. In late April, each GRC will meet again to select their two finalists for vote by the Impact Austin membership. Finalists will be announced on May 2. Member voting begins on May 17, and grants will be awarded at Impact Austin's Annual Meeting on June 10, 2024.

All members who join, re-join, renew, initiate payments, or are fully paid as of May 14 will be qualified to vote on Impact Austin's spring grants. There will be no fall grant cycle in 2024.

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© Impact Austin Foundation


Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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