Impact Austin’s 2021 spring grant cycle is approaching its conclusion. Finalists have been identified for Community and Education grants, and awards totaling $196,200 will be announced at Impact Austin’s at Annual Meeting. Membership vote will determine specific allocations.
The finalist in each focus area receiving the majority votes will be awarded its application grant amount of $78,500, which will be applied as detailed in the nonprofit application. The other finalist in each focus area will be awarded $19,600 as an unrestricted grant.
Finalists for Community Grants

Finalists for Education Grants

Nonprofits were notified on May 13 of finalist selections as determined by Grant Review Committees (GRCs). Finalists will present their stories to Impact Austin membership by video. In addition, members will receive supporting materials to assist in the voting process. Membership vote will be open May 24 - June 1.
Vote outcomes will be announced June 7 at the virtual Annual Meeting 2021!
Community and Education GRCs reviewed a total of 80 applications for spring funding. Of these, 12 were selected for deep-dive review, and then six were identified as semi-finalists. Virtual site visits with semi-finalists occurred between April 30 - May 2 and led to the determination of grant finalists. Impact Austin thanks our 71 members for serving on the GRCs, which began work in February.

The Center for Survivors of Torture was selected by Girls Giving Grants (g3) as its 2021 Community Partner. More information about g3 and their $7,600 award is on our blog.
Impact Austin's fall grant cycle opens June 30, 2021, with a Nonprofit Workshop. Applications for the Equity Grant and the Health & Well-Being Grant will be accepted July 8 - August 3, 2021. Registration to serve on fall GRCs will be open July 1 - August 3. Grant awards will be announced at November’s Town Hall Meeting.