Impact Austin women gathered on September 6, 2017, at Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar to meet best-selling author, Caroline Miller and learn more about “GETTING grit… the Evidence-based Approach to Cultivating Passion, Perseverance and Purpose.”
Over 100 potential members were in attendance and several said, “Count Me In!” that night!
Impact Austin is starting a year-long celebration of its 15th Anniversary and the event began with a Town Hall that previewed the plans for this landmark in its history.

Impact Austin Board President Lauren Paver, Acting Executive Director Lisa Apfelberg, and Founder Rebecca Powers were on hand to lead the Town Hall program that began the evening and introduced the keynote speaker, Caroline Miller.
From inspiring “gritty” women of the past through the women of today who are standing out and standing up for the rights of others, Caroline led the gathering through an engaging journey of discovering what grit is, who has it, and how to develop it in ourselves and others.
Many thanks to Caroline Miller and to the generous sponsors who made this presentation possible. Thank you to the members who stepped up to help with arrangements, distributing copies of “GETTING grit” and coordinating the book signing that followed Caroline Miller’s fascinating presentation.

Impact Austin members and their guests came away from the evening with practical suggestions and inspiration to make an even greater impact in the community.
Impact Austin is a collective giving organization that is open to all women, and has given over 6 Million Dollars to Central Texas nonprofits, so far! Is this your year to become an Impact Austin Woman? Join today and be a part of our 15th year of making a difference.
To see all the wonderful pictures of the evening, check out Impact Austin’s “Gritty Women Make an Impact” Facebook Album, and feel free to “Like” and “Follow” Impact Austin!