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A Message from Impact Austin Leadership

Impact Austin

We are sharing some important news: Christina Gorczynski is stepping away from her position as Impact Austin Executive Director as of June 30, 2022. Christina will not go far, as she looks forward to being a member of Impact Austin.

In Christina’s words, “It’s been a wild and wonderful ride at Impact Austin, and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything! Together we have created a strong foundation for years to come. We have built resiliency within the organization to pivot and address challenges, all the while supporting our beloved Central Texas communities. And we did this during a pandemic, amid constant changes for all of us, both personally and professionally. We should be proud.

I am also proud that Impact Austin is wholeheartedly focused to incorporate DEIB practices within our organization. Together we strive to make all women welcome, to give them a voice, and to share ways to participate.

As many of you know, my family grew during the pandemic, and baby Mateo made me a first-time mom. As we slowly come out of isolation during these immensely rewarding and formative years in Mateo’s life, I want to shift more of my time and priorities to my family.

Although I am stepping away as Executive Director, I would be honored to actively participate as a member. But first, I am committed to working with Nicole and our fabulous volunteers to finish this fiscal year strong.”

The Board respects Christina’s decision and fully supports her next chapter. She has worked tirelessly for Impact Austin, strengthening the organization, building relationships with members and with our community, and enhancing Impact Austin’s role in trust-based philanthropy in Central Texas. Christina will continue in her role to ensure that our goals and business plans for Impact Austin are on track through the end of this fiscal year. With her guidance, Impact Austin will maintain our focus in the upcoming grant cycle, membership drive, and Annual Meeting.

A Search Committee is being formed to find our next executive director. We will likely use an executive search firm, as we did when we were fortunate to find Christina. The Board and Search Committee will provide you with periodic updates in upcoming newsletters and at the Annual Meeting in June. We will work with Christina, Nicole, and the Impact Austin volunteer leadership in this period of transition. And, not to worry, we will have a farewell tribute to Christina before she leaves us as our Executive Director – stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either one of us. Our mutual devotion to Impact Austin will continue and we trust that you will join us in being happy for Christina and excited for all new opportunities for Impact Austin.

Impact Austin Board President

Impact Austin Executive Director

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