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The Overstreet Foundation Supports Girls Giving Grants

Impact Austin

We are proud to announce Girls Giving Grants (g3) received a $10,000 grant from The Overstreet Foundation to support the g3 program.

To enable more Central Texas girls to have an even larger impact in the community, this generous grant to Impact Austin will provide g3 scholarships and match awards made by the g3 program across two school years -- 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.

Through an ongoing collaboration with Bertha Sadler Means Young Women's Leadership Academy, a tuition-free, all-girls academy located close to downtown Austin, 24 eighth grade leaders identified by the academy will receive a scholarship to join Girls Giving Grants. The Overstreet Foundation award will fund 12 scholarships of $125 each for the 2021-2022 school year and another 12 scholarships the following year, a total of $3,000 in scholarship support.

"We at Sadler Means YWLA are so grateful for this very generous gift and most certainly count it as a step toward greatness for our young leaders," said Rosalind Oliphant, Ph.D., Mentor Teacher at Bertha Sadler Means YWLA. "This rich leadership opportunity finds us all excited that our smart young leaders will be able to lend their voices and creative energy to g3. Go Dragons!"

The remaining $7,000 of the Overstreet Foundation grant will be split across the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years to match the grant awards funded by the g3 program, up to $3,500 each year. Impact Austin thanks the foundation for recognizing and supporting Girls Giving Grants and their collective giving philanthropy.


"Our board was impressed by the opportunities you provide girls in becoming involved in what hopefully will be a lifelong commitment to philanthropy."

- The Overstreet Foundation

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About Girls Giving Grants

Girls Giving Grants (g3) is a model of collective giving designed by Impact Austin to educate and engage young women on the importance of thoughtful giving. Members of Girls Giving Grants are girls in grades 8-12 from all over Central Texas who have an interest in making a difference and learning all about the community and philanthropy.

Using a collective giving model, g3 members pool their contributions to award an annual grant to an organization working to improve the lives of youth in our community. Since 2006, g3 has funded $98,000 in grants targeted toward improving the lives of youth in Travis, Hays, Williamson or Bastrop counties. Learn more about the impactful projects g3 funded.

Girls Giving Grants is enrolling members for the 2021-2022 school year between Monday, August 2 through Friday, September 24, 2021. Learn how to become a g3 member.


For questions about Girls Giving Grants,

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Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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