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SOCIAL IMPACTS: Partnerships for Children and the Heart Gallery

Impact Austin

In celebration of our 20th anniversary year, Impact Austin is highlighting Community Partnerships. From 112 grants totaling $8.26 million to 91 local nonprofits, here is just one of our stories.

Partnerships for Children was founded in 2003 to bridge the gap between limited government resources and the growing needs of children and families in the care of Child Protective Services (CPS). Partnerships for Children won two Impact Austin awards, both Family Grants, in 2012 and 2016. The first grant enabled the launch of their third program, YES Mentoring (Youth Empowerment and Success). That program continues today.

In 2016, the Impact Austin grant funded various initiatives supporting foster-to-adopt goals at Partnerships for Children. Most notably, the grant supported expansion of the Heart Gallery program launched in 2014. The Heart Gallery helps children who've been waiting to be adopted find their forever homes. Outcomes of the 2016 grant were outstanding.

  • Pop-up traveling Heart Gallery of Central Texas in locations including Texas State Capitol, Governor’s Mansion, Austin Club, Blanton Museum of Art, Blue Bell Creameries, and Thinkery

  • Funded monthly foster-to-adopt information sessions in conjunction with Department of Family and Protective Services

  • Website update driving 3,000 unique visits/month

  • Printed Heart Gallery Book

  • Grant outcomes video shared 1,200 children available for adoption in Central Texas, including 250 from Travis County. Nine children had been adopted the previous month from the Heart Gallery.

  • Approximately 200 children featured annually in Heart Gallery of Central Texas.

  • As of 2021, more than 400 children have been adopted from the Heart Gallery of Central Texas.

Kori Gough led Partnerships for Children during their years as our Community Partner. She is now Director for the Heart Galleries of Texas. Read Kori's testimonial about the value of Impact Austin's investment in the Heart Gallery program.

"Each day, more than 6,000 children in the Texas foster care system are waiting to be adopted and find a place to call home. The Heart Gallery was born with the purpose of utilizing the power of photography to capture the individuality and dignity of children living in foster care. Professional photographers donate their talent to shine a light on children available for adoption, capturing their spirit in every shot. Their pictures say, 'I’m here and I am special.' The Heart Gallery’s unique model has proven results. Before this program, their chance of ever being adopted was less than 1%. Today, through this program, that number has surpassed 60%.

With the support of Impact Austin, the Central Texas Heart Gallery led by Partnerships for Children has led the state in adoptions, showing a 16% higher rate of adoption year over year and our state leadership has taken notice. Over the next few years, we are working to organize, establish and support the development of Heart Gallery programs within nine additional regions throughout Texas based on the proven model in Central Texas. Thank you, Impact Austin, for believing in this program and helping to promote change and provide hope to thousands of children waiting for their forever home."


Learn how to support the work of Partnerships for Children here.

Explore Impact Austin's Community Partner stories here.

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Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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