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Introducing Our New Members

Impact Austin

Fifteen years of impact means fifteen years of developing women as savvy, effective philanthropists! As part of our anniversary celebration, we are excited to introduce you to some more new members. We asked them three basic questions – How did you find out about Impact Austin and what inspired you to join, what is your short and sweet biography, and what do you think might surprise or interest your new friends about you? Here are their answers!

Meet Christina Ayer, and say, “Hello!” the next time you see her.

“I first discovered Impact Austin while at a philanthropy awards luncheon that I attended with United Way friends. I remember the group winning several awards and how enthusiastic all the members were. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Kali’ Rourke at a United Way event and she very kindly met me for coffee and shared more information about the group. After learning more about the members and the mission of the organization, I knew I had to join!"

“I’m a born and raised Austinite who attended Texas A&M but returned to Austin as quickly as I could upon graduation! I’m the Controller for Kerbey Lane Café, where coincidentally I had my first job as a hostess when I was sixteen years old. My husband and I were married in Maui and have a passion for travel. We also enjoy spending time with our labradoodle, Charlie, who was just recently certified to volunteer as a therapy dog with Divine Canines."

 “I have a goal of visiting 40 countries by my 40th birthday. Currently, I’m at 15, so I have some traveling to do in the next few years! My dream job would be to have Anthony Bourdain’s job- to travel around the world while eating great food and meeting people from many different cultures.”


Meet Elaine Jensen, and say “Hi!” the next time you see her.

“I was actually invited to the very first Impact Austin Coffee by Nancy Word (one of the founding “Kitchen Table Six”). If you have heard this story you will know that everyone signed up except for one person. That would be me. The timing just wasn't right, but the idea and the organization stuck with me, and when I was finally able to devote the time I signed up!!”

“My background has been in human resources and recruiting but I am retired. I love to travel with my husband and two stepchildren.”

“Several years ago, I was on an African Safari and was chased by lions!”


New Member Highlights are a series of posts that introduce you to some of our new members who have joined for FY2018. If you are interested in being highlighted, please contact us and your Impact Austin blog editor will respond to you with the details!

Send your email to and be sure to indicate that it is a New Member Highlight Inquiry.

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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