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Introducing Our New Members

Impact Austin

The new year begins, along with our fifteenth anniversary of giving high impact grants to the Austin community. We invite you to celebrate with us by welcoming three new members who are joining us in our mission of collective giving. We asked them three basic questions – “How did you find out about Impact Austin and what inspired you to join, What is your short and sweet biography, and optionally, What do you think might surprise or interest your new friends about you?” Here are their answers!

Meet Jan Anderson, and say, “Hi!” the next time you see her.

“Carole Cole introduced me to Impact Austin. I recently retired and she knew I wanted to find a project for my interests and time.”

“After a 44-year career in education, I retired in September. Like many Austinites, I moved here to attend The University and never left. I met my husband in an education class and we both found our careers here. We have lived in northwest Austin for our entire married lives.”

“Early in my career, I worked in research and electronic data retrieval. That system eventually became what we now know as the Internet. This changed my course, and I worked as a staff librarian at the Texas Education Agency for most of my career."


Meet Claudia Chidester, and say hello the next time you see her!

“I've known about Impact Austin for many years from a variety of friends, but have always been entrenched in helping two organizations, the University of Texas School of Information and Austin Bat Cave, that impacted my life specifically. Now that I've rolled off those boards I am interested in learning about other needs in Austin.”

“I have a selfish love of writing and research and enjoy nothing more than working on my family archive. I am an introvert who has learned to love selling ideas and causes.” 

“I speak three languages and dabble in two others, love camping and hiking but also have vast experience in business research and understanding how venture capital works.” 


Meet Lesa Rossick, and say, “Hi!” the next time you see her.

 “I have had many friends join and become a part of Impact Austin, so I’ve been intrigued by the group for years. Heather McElhaney invited me to an event, and I finally had a chance to research what Impact Austin was about, and loved it! Fellow warrior women in Austin...count me in."

"I spent most of my career selling medical devices, retiring with the da Vinci surgical robot. I planned to do 100% Philanthropy but within weeks, God had a different course. I started a digital marketing company, Market Ambassador, love it...and hope to do this forever!”

"I launched a foodie app called Keep Austin Eatin’, so if I’m not working or hanging out with friends and family, I’m eating my way through this city!"


New Member Highlights are a series of posts that introduce you to some of our new members who have joined for FY2018. If you are interested in being highlighted, please contact us and your Impact Austin blog editor will respond to you with the details!

Send your email to and be sure to indicate that it is a New Member Highlight Inquiry.

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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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