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Impact Austin Women Making a Difference: Support for Women Caregivers

Impact Austin

By Kalí Rourke, Impact Austin Member

Impact Austin women bring leadership, collaboration, and the inherent will to improve whatever they become involved with. Impact Austin’s blog team is making it a project this year to share some of the impactful work our members do in addition to - or perhaps because of - their Impact Austin membership and involvement.


Often this work is with a Community Partner or an applicant for the Impact Austin grants that our members became aware of through their participation in a Grant Review Committee!

Many of you know Rebecca Powers or have heard her speak. As the Founder of Impact Austin, as an authority on women’s collective giving, and even as a published author of Trust Your Cape: How Women Find Their Power in Giving Back, Rebecca is a force for positive change.


This year, Rebecca is the Chair of the She Thrives Event for AGE of Central Texas on November 4 and 6. She Thrives is an annual event that equips women of all ages and backgrounds, and the men who support them, with resources and information about caregiving. The event often introduces them to a community that validates and supports them as they navigate their journey through aging and caregiving.

The She Thrives Summit (November 4) focuses on various topics related to aging and caregiving. Attendees learn from subject matter experts, connect with other women and community members, and learn about community resources that may support them as caregivers.


She Thrives concludes with a dinner (November 6) celebrating the belief that when women and caregivers thrive, the community thrives. All proceeds from the event are used to provide family caregivers in Central Texas with needed support, education, and care through AGE of Central Texas.


We asked Rebecca what drew her to AGE of Central Texas and the She Thrives event.


“The She Thrives Summit will change your thoughts about caregiving for yourself and others. Comments from a speaker made at the first summit in 2021 helped radically alter my relationship with my complex, aging mother. As a result, she and I had two fantastic years to enjoy each other before she passed away in July 2023. I learned something new and actionable at each She Thrives Summit, and I hope others will join me!”  


Because we women at Impact Austin like to share the good things that are going on, other members have joined Rebecca in the committees she leads. One of these women is someone who will be familiar to many readers of this blog.


Lorene Phillips is the Chair of the Style Show for She Thrives, and as an experienced runway model in last year’s event, Lorene knows what she is doing! .



We asked Lorene what interested her in getting involved with AGE and the She Thrives event. Lorene's own caregiving journey is part of the answer.


“I developed a deeper appreciation for the work that AGE does after experiencing first-hand what it means to be a caregiver, especially with the additional challenge of living far away from my mother. Their work is extremely important in view of the 'silver tsunami' forming in our national demographics. I believe that sharing lived experiences is invaluable to all of us who are on, or approaching, the caring journey.“

Other Impact Austin members have supported AGE of Central Texas and She Thrives events since 2021, this year included. Among them are Kathleen Mack, Joyce Lauck, Sarah Swords, Pam Friedman, Ami Kane, Allison Bacon, Dina Mavridis, and Kali' Rourke.

AGE of Central Texas is a two-time Community Partner with Impact Austin. In 2010 Impact Austin awarded the Health & Well-Being Grant to expand AGE's Health Equipment Lending Program (H.E.L.P.). In Spring 2024, AGE was awarded an unrestricted Community Grant to support their programs and mission.


Do you know an Impact Austin woman who is involved in something timely and impactful outside of our organization's grantmaking? Let us know with an email to 


You never know where our Impact Austin members will show up, making a difference!

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Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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