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We have learned alongside our Community Partners as they have faced challenges, overcome barriers, and achieved extraordinary successes. Find out more about each project and the outcomes below.








AGE of Central Texas


AGE of Central Texas

AGE of Central Texas

Project Title:

HELPing South Austin

Project Description:   

AGE of Central Texas helps older adults and their caregivers thrive as they navigate the realities and opportunities of aging and caregiving. Among their array of programs are: H.E.L.P., the Health Equipment Lending Program; Thrive Social & Wellness Centers providing daytime care and social wellness; the AGE Computer Lab with peer-to-peer technology instruction and coaching; an information and resource center; Memory Connections offering a lifestyle program for older adults with memory changes; and Caregiver U offering free classes for family members caring for older adults.

The grant is unrestricted and awarded in support of the mission and programs of AGE of Central Texas.

Grant Status:   

Grant in progress.

For More Information:   

Related Reports:

Grant Outcomes Report
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Impact Austin, P.O. Box 28148, Austin, TX 78755  |  |  Tel: 512-553-6083  |  Join our mailing list!

© Impact Austin Foundation


Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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