Authors: Rebecca Powers and Judi McCarthy
As part of our 15 the anniversary year, we’re rolling out a new tradition at the Annual Meeting. We’ll be honoring our Milestone Members for their 5, 10, and 15 years of philanthropy with Impact Austin. These women have helped to shepherd our organization to its 15 the anniversary with their generous investments of time, treasure, and talent.

Each woman who has been a member for at least 5 years will have a special daisy pin on her nametag. Those with Impact Austin for 5 - 9 years will have a 5 in the center of the daisy. Members investing 10 - 14 years will wear a pin with a 10 in the center. Founding members will have a 15 in the centers of their daisies. When a member reaches a new milestone, she will receive a new pin for her nametag with the appropriate indication. A small event to thank Milestone Members was held on April 29, and pins were presented. When you see these members at the Annual Meeting, please be sure to congratulate and thank them. We look forward to honoring many more women who reach these milestones in the years to come!