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Impact Austin

Giving from Afar: Members Debbie and Madison Reinhart

As we gather around the Thanksgiving table with family and give thanks for all the blessings in our lives, we at Impact Austin want to express how thankful we are to all of our members, here in Austin and also across the country! Yes, that’s right, we have members who don’t even live here!

Recently, we reached out to two former Austinites, mom and daughter Debbie and Madison Reinhart, to find out what prompted them to join Impact Austin from afar.

How did you learn about Impact Austin and how had you each been involved in the past with Impact Austin?

Debbie: I learned about Impact Austin in late 2003 (I think), the fall before the first annual meeting. I met Rebecca Powers at a Tiara Tuesday networking event and I gravitated toward her amazing personality and vision. I was all in after that initial meeting. I enjoyed membership in IA until I left Austin in 2011. I served on a couple of committees that evaluated grant requests, which was so educational, helping me to understand the needs of nonprofits in the Austin area.

Madison: I learned about IA when my mom joined. A few years later, she told me that some of the women were planning an offshoot of Impact Austin for young women, and I was able to become a founding member of g3. I was in g3 for 5-6 years, and for my last two years I served as vice president. We learned about all aspects of the grant giving process, but my favorite part was learning about all of the different organizations across Austin and the impact they were having on youth in the city. It was such a great way to learn that even small contributions can lead to big impact.

Where do each live now, and what took you there?

Debbie: I currently live in Galveston where I own, along with my husband, a land development company, a residential construction company and a real estate company. I was able to manage all of this from our home in Austin until 2011 when it became important for me to be in Galveston full-time. As my responsibilities with these entities are slowing a little, I am hoping to gradually spend more time in Austin over the next 5-6 years as I approach retirement.

Madison: I attended the University of Southern California and studied psychology and marketing. I have lived in LA ever since, working in advertising and marketing.

Thank you for being members! Why did you decide to re-join Impact Austin even though you don't live in Austin anymore?

Debbie: Maddie and I have reflected on our membership in Impact Austin and g3 and we've thought about rejoining Impact Austin for a couple of years. I'm not really sure what prompted us to do it at the moment I did - perhaps it was an Impact Austin posting on Facebook? I just went on the website and joined, then texted Maddie that I'd re-joined and the next thing I knew, she texted back that she had rejoined as well! It feels great to belong, again!

Madison: A few months ago, my mom mentioned that she renewed her IA membership after a few years, and I realized that I could do so, too! I had wanted to find a way to give back for a while and this felt like the perfect way.

Why would you recommend other women get involved with Impact Austin?

Debbie: I would recommend - and have - to many women that joining IA will be a great way to leverage their contribution into a meaningful, impactful way - with the assurance that those nonprofits that are granted funds will be good stewards of the money and will change lives in the Austin area. It's also a great way to learn about the community needs and to network with amazing women. I look forward to what comes next with IA!

Madison: I have always loved Impact Austin's mission and I couldn't be more thrilled to finally be a member myself.

Madison and Debbie hope to attend the annual meeting on June 8th, so look for them there!

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