Girls Giving Grants is proud to announce the winner of its 2016 Grant, Casa Marianella.
Casa Marianella’s grant application proposed the following:

"Casa Marianella’s Posada Esperanza family shelter serves homeless immigrant women and children escaping violence in a cluster of renovated houses in a residential neighborhood in East Austin. The recent purchase of a fourth shelter house allows us to serve 100 people a year with housing and full supportive services. In order to continue providing the comprehensive case management that helps families transition from crisis to independence, we need to add one additional national service program case manager (AmeriCorps) at a cost of $6,500/year, along with $500 toward direct client needs. Families come from Africa, Asia, Central America and other parts of the world."

Ami Kane, Girls Giving Grants Committee Chair and Impact Austin member said, “When we visited the Casa Marianella's Posada Esperanza houses on April 9th, it was a really powerful experience that deeply impacted the girls. This is not your traditional shelter; these are actual homes that Patti McCabe, the Program Director, and her team of case managers run to help the families with everything they need.”
“We were able to tour the four homes. We met the actual women and children living there, who provided first hand accounts of how Casa Marianella has impacted their lives for the better. The residents said they become ‘like family.’ Often these women don't have support systems in the U.S., so they frequently come to depend on one another like they would sisters, in a way that transcends even past their time living in the shelter. The girls also heard a story of how one of the case managers was the first person to hold a resident's baby when she was born at the hospital via C-section.”
“We were deeply impressed with the program.”
“The girls had a very tough decision to make, since there are so many deserving nonprofits in town, but they are thrilled to help Casa Marianella add another AmeriCorps service member to provide case management at Posada Esperanza through their $7,000 grant.”
To learn more about Casa Marianella, visit
Girls Giving Grants’ check presentation ceremony will take place in May and they congratulate Casa Marianella on becoming the latest g3 Grantee. To learn more about Girls Giving Grants, click g3 and see if this young philanthropist’s group is for you or someone you know.