Impact Austin 2020 Grant Review Committees (GRCs)
In 2020, Impact Austin will award four high-impact grants of $100,000 each in these categories: Community, Education, Health and Well-Being, and Catalyst. We invite you to join a GRC and experience grantmaking firsthand!
What is a GRC?
GRCs review and evaluate grant applications using a rigorous process.
GRCs select finalists for voting by the Impact Austin membership at large.
There are four GRCs, with approximately 25 Impact Austin members per team, led by experienced members in co-chair and advisor roles.
Participation is open to all members with dues paid by December 31, 2019.
GRCs have four in-person meetings, three online trainings, three site visits, and individual research, subcommittee review and report writing.
Total time commitment ranges from 25-40 hours from January through May 2020.
Why join a GRC?
Actively participate in the grant giving process.
Learn about the nonprofits serving the needs of the Central Texas community.
Build lasting friendships with a diverse group of women.
Volunteer in a meaningful way and make a lasting contribution.
When and where do GRCs meet?
Four required in-person meetings are listed below for each GRC. Additionally, GRCs conduct site visits between April 16-18; attendance is optional, but highly recommended!
Health & Well-Being GRC
Mondays: Jan 13 & 27, Mar 23, May 4
St. Matthew's Church, 8134 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759
Catalyst GRC
Tuesdays: Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 24, May 5
Tarrytown United Methodist Church, 2601 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
Education GRC
Wednesdays: Jan 15 & 29, Mar 25, May 6
St. Matthew's Church, 8134 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759
Community GRC
Thursdays: Jan 16 & 30, Mar 26, May 7
Tarrytown United Methodist Church, 2601 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
How do I join a GRC?
Click HERE to create your Impact Austin profile in our grants management system. Follow the instructions to complete your Impact Austin profile, Conflicts of Interest and committee preference. Early registration gives you a better chance of being assigned to your first choice. Sign-up for all committees will close on December 16th. If you have any questions about grant review committees, please contact us at grc_coordinator@impactaustin.org.
If you cannot commit to a GRC this year, there are many other volunteer opportunities available with Impact Austin - click HERE to learn more.