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Impact Austin Women Making a Difference: Transportation for Seniors

Impact Austin

By Kalí Rourke, Impact Austin Member


Impact Austin women bring leadership, collaboration, and the inherent will to improve whatever nonprofit or program they become involved with. Impact Austin’s blog team is making it a project this year to share some of the impactful work our members do in addition to – and perhaps because of - their Impact Austin membership and involvement.


Often this work is with a Community Partner or an applicant for the Impact Austin grants that our members became aware of through their participation in a Grant Review Committee!

Katherine Mudge has been an Impact Austin member since 2017, when long time member Barbara Ellis told her about the great things collective giving produced through Impact Austin grants. Katherine and Barbara are both lawyers and connected on many levels, so when Barbara told her the Impact Austin story, Katherine was an engaged listener. Katherine was impressed by the level of love and pride Barbara expressed as she spoke.


Katherine says, “I was so impressed by Impact Austin and I really joined due to Barbara’s encouragement and the following three things…”


  • “The opportunity to be around like-minded women from all different walks and times in their lives.”

  • “Even though I am a native Austinite, like many working moms I had not reached out too much beyond the silo of my kids’ activities. Impact Austin offered to teach me about local nonprofits and their needs in a 'one-stop shopping' experience that appealed to both my interests and my time availability.”

  • “The inherent equality that is baked into the mission and vision at Impact Austin. We don’t waste time dwelling on the divisions that may separate us, but band together to collectively impact and improve our world.”


Katherine joined the Board of Impact Austin and was soon leading as its President. She is presently on the Board as a Director and enjoys being part of the leadership of this vibrant collective giving group.  She was recently selected to be on the Board of Directors of the Austin Bar Foundation that provides a variety of programs and grants to the Central Texas community.


Katherine also gives her time and talents to our Community Partner Chariot (formerly Drive a Senior) which won an $80,000 grant from Impact Austin in 2015. The grant funded a van to help transport groups of non-driving older adults.  We asked her what drew her to Chariot.

Katherine said, “I first heard about Chariot through Lorene Phillips, who was very involved with the organization. The more I heard, the more I thought it would be a wonderful thing to be involved with. Chariot provides mobility, community, and even safety to non-driving older adults who have chosen to age in their homes or small communities.”


She is now on the Board of Chariot and is the incoming President. She also drives for the organization and finds it very rewarding. “We are always looking for volunteers to drive our clients; it’s such a rewarding experience and we provide all of the training.  And, it goes without saying, we are also very happy to take donations to enable us to continue with our mission.”

Go online to learn much more about Chariot and about Impact Austin's 2015 Health & Well-Being Grant.


 Do you know an Impact Austin woman who is involved in something timely and impactful outside of our organization's grantmaking? Let us know with an email to 


You never know where our Impact Austin members will show up, making a difference!


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© Impact Austin Foundation

Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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