Girls Giving Grants (g3), the youth initiative of Impact Austin, met January 12 to narrow the focus for their $10,300 grant. From 36 applications received in the fall, g3 members selected 8 semi-finalists, one from each of their ARCs (Application Review Committees). Semi-finalists are:
Austin YMBL Sunshine Camp - Counselor-In-Training Program
Beyond the Grade - Beyond the Grade After School Music Classes
Caritas of Austin - Furniture and Household Move-In Items for Youth Transitioning Out of Homelessness
CASA of Travis County - Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Teens in the Foster Care System
Friends of the Children Austin - Engagement Events for Families Living in Poverty
Lutheran Social Services of the South - In Support of BeREAL - Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Mother's Milk Bank - Charitable Care - Providing Life-Saving Solutions for Premature Babies in Foster Care
University High School - Graduating Sober Teens
The g3 team will meet again February 9. Until then, each ARC will do additional research on their semi-finalist and develop a presentation that highlights how their selection meets g3’s grant criteria best. The full membership will then vote for two nonprofits to become g3 finalists. Site visits will be conducted in April, after which Girls Giving Grants will vote for their 2020 grant recipient.
This class of young philanthropists is the largest in g3 history, and their $10,300 grant will be their biggest award yet. Each participant pays $100 toward the annual grant, and scholarships are available. Girls Giving Grants are in grades 8-12 and from more than a dozen Austin-area schools, including home schools. The 2020-21 class will form in the spring and summer.
Total awards from Girls Giving Grants will exceed $90,000 in 2020.