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Girls Giving Grants Names Semi-Finalists for their $9,200 Award

Impact Austin

The 61 members of Girls Giving Grants (g3) have named six semi-finalists for the $9,200 award they will announce in Spring 2022. The annual g3 award is made to a nonprofit supporting youth in Bastrop, Hays, Travis, and/or Williamson counties.

See below the six nonprofit semi-finalists and their projects.

Austin Young Men's Business League: Creating a Sense of Possibility for Austin's Underinvested Youth

The Refuge for DMST: Horses Carry Healing for Girls Recovered from Sex Trafficking

Nicole's House: Creating a Space for Texas Girls to Recover from Human Trafficking

Catholic Charities of Central Texas: Empowering Expecting Teenage Mothers

Williamson County Children's Advocacy Center: Helping Kids Overcome Trauma

The Junior League of Austin: Signature Impact Programs

In early February, g3 Area Review Committees (ARCs) will make presentations to advocate for each ARC semi-finalist. The full membership will then vote to identify their finalists. At the second February meeting, g3 will prepare for site visits that are tentatively scheduled for April.


Girls Giving Grants (g3) is a model of collective giving designed by Impact Austin to educate and engage young women with thoughtful grantmaking practices. Members of g3 are young philanthropists in grades 8-12. Since 2006, they have awarded $98,000 to improve the lives of youth in Central Texas. Their total giving will exceed $100,000 in 2022 with the $9,200 grant that includes a $3,500 match from a local family foundation.

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