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Girls Giving Grants Name Two Finalists for their 2023 Award

Impact Austin

Girls Giving Grants (g3) is Impact Austin's youth initiative and giving circle for young women in grades 8-12. g3 makes annual awards to Austin-area nonprofits that serve Central Texas youth. Since founding, they have awarded $107,200 to 17 organizations. In February, the 50 members of g3 named five semi-finalists for their 2023 grant of $8,400.

Each Application Review Committee (ARC) gave visual and oral presentations to the entire g3 membership in order to advocate for one of the semi-finalists. Last weekend the entire membership voted to select two grant finalists. They are:

Center for Child Protection: Expanded Therapy Dog Program

Wonders and Worries: Girls Giving Happy Days

The next step in the process will be virtual site visits scheduled for Saturday, April 15 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Each finalist will have an hour to provide g3 members with an in-depth look at their organization and program details, and to answer g3 questions.

Voting for the grant awardee will be open immediately following site visits and will close on April 26th at 10:00 pm.

g3's grant check will be presented at Impact Austin's Annual Meeting on June 5 at the Long Center. That award will bring total g3 grantmaking to more than $115,000!

Registration for the 2023-2024 class of Girls Giving Grants will be open in late summer/early fall. Learn more here.

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