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Impact Austin

Don't Miss Discovery Days 2021!

That's right: Discovery Days - an exciting twist on our signature event!

A new extended format will present nine compelling sessions over six weeks. Our re-imagined signature event will deliver the same focus on philanthropy education that you've come to expect from Impact Austin - with even more content to enjoy from the comfort of home or the convenience of your lunch break.

REGISTER NOW - and invite friends and colleagues!

Members, friends, and interested community members are invited to join Discovery Days. There’s something for everyone. Registration remains open during the six week event. There is no charge to attend any session, but donations to support Discovery Days are warmly welcomed during the registration process. Each track will kick off with a Tuesday evening general session followed by two Friday lunchtime sessions. All sessions will be one hour, including 45-50 minute presentations and 10-15 minutes reserved for Q&A.

KEEP IN TOUCH - regular updates and calendar reminders

Bi-weekly blog posts will give the most up-to-date information on content, speakers and panelists, and our generous sponsors. And check for updates on our website.

Register and get calendar reminders for all sessions!



Welcome & Impact Austin Updates | TUE, JAN 5 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM Hear Impact Austin’s latest news and feedback from our Member Survey and how both will inform the Strategic Plan.

  • Speakers*: Susan Palombo - Board President; Adi Gollakota - UT Austin CONNECT Fellow; Sarah Harris - Board Member; Rise' Candelaria, Strategic Planning; Earind Carter, Strategic Planning


History of Race, Racism & Philanthropy in Central Texas | FRI, JAN 8 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM A deep dive into DEIB considers the historical context of race and racism in Austin to better understand its impact on philanthropy and our role as philanthropists.

  • Speakers*: Dr. Keffrelyn Brown & Dr. Anthony Brown - UT Austin Center for Innovation in Race, Teaching, and Curriculum

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging in Action | FRI, JAN 15 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM Discover the characteristics of becoming an Inclusive Leader and how DEIB values are essential to disrupt norms and create a cultural shift on boards and across all leadership circles.

  • Speaker*: Paulina Artieda - The New Philanthropists



Impact Austin 101 | TUE, JAN 19 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM Learn about Impact Austin’s inclusive, trust-based practices and how these will benefit both members and nonprofits. This general overview also shares how to start getting involved.

  • Speakers*: Becky Austen - Grants and Strategic Partnerships; Robin Krumme - Member Engagement; Nicole Genovese - Office Manager


Issues Facing Central Texas Women | FRI, JAN 22 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM Hear Texas Women’s Foundation research on economic issues facing Texas women of all ages, ethnicities, incomes and geographies in a moderated session with Q&A.

  • Speaker*: Dr. Dena L. Jackson - Texas Women’s Foundation

Building a Resilient Austin | FRI, JAN 29 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM In the midst of the pandemic, how can we work together to build long-term health, economic wellness, and resilience for our community?

  • Moderator*: Estevan Delgado - Austin Community Foundation

  • Panelists*: Raul Alvarez - Community Advancement Network; Dan Leal - One Voice Texas



Increase Your Impact | TUE, FEB 2 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM Learn more about volunteering, grant review, leadership development, and board service and how these increase YOUR impact.

  • Speakers*: Jenny Cotner - Board Member; Connee Sullivan - Grant Review Co-Coordinator; Lauren Lewis - Philanthropy Education


Corporate Social Responsibility Panel | FRI, FEB 5 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM Local corporate leaders share their CSR expertise, outlining their best strategies to create impactful programs. They will share their learnings from 2020 and how these will reshape plans moving forward.

  • Moderator:* Ashley Olinghouse - YourCause/Blackbaud

  • Panelists*: Anne Fertitta - AMD; Erika Chan - Dell Technologies; Kaisha Morton - Google; Julie Fisher - National Instruments; Kristen Day - NXP Semiconductors; Heather Venard - Silicon Labs

Strengths-based Investments in Low Income Communities | FRI, FEB 12 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM Local nonprofit leaders discuss a strength-based approach to empower our neighbors through economic hardship and life challenges.

  • Moderator*: Lourdes Rodriguez - St. David's Foundation

  • Panelists*: Ivanna Neri - Family Independence Initiative; MJ Korpela - Jeremiah Program; Salwa Yordi - Glimmer Austin

* Moderators, speakers, and panelists confirmed at time of publishing.

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