Last week, Impact Austin leadership announced several changes to our 2020 grantmaking practices. Top considerations were (1) concern for the health and well-being of applicants and Impact Austin volunteers; (2) the importance of quick and broad financial support at a time when nonprofits will struggle more than ever; and (3) preservation of members' engagement with the grant process. Adaptive, compassionate practices like these are being enacted among other grantmakers and philanthropists across the country, including many collective giving groups like Impact Austin.
In an expedited review process that eliminates site visits for 2020, each Grant Review Committee (GRC) chose two finalists for 2020 grants. They were notified March 27 of their status and informed about process changes in grant awards. Finalists will now have the option to move ahead with the programs proposed in their grant applications or to use Impact Austin funds for more pressing needs. All 2020 Program and Catalyst Grants will be unrestricted.
Austin Child Guidance Center Project:Â ACGC Teletherapy Program
Family Eldercare Project: Catalyst for Excellence - Harnessing Technology to Better Serve Aging Texans
BookSpring Project: BookSpring Wash & Read
Casa Marianella Project: Immigrant Youth
Kids In A New Groove Project: Mentoring through Music
Welcome Table, Inc. Project: Freedom Schools - Austin
Family Independence Initiative Project: Advancing Economic Mobility through Direct Investment and Social Capital
NAMI Central Texas Project: "Mental Health Mamas" - Wellness Advocates for Families in Crisis
G3 announced their grant finalists in February.
Friends of the Children Austin Project: Engagement Events for Families Living in Poverty
Mother's Milk Bank Project: Charitable Care - Providing Life-Saving Solutions for Premature Babies in Foster Care.