Education is a cornerstone of the Impact Austin experience, but it is not limited to our members.

The Austin area nonprofit community is offered the opportunity each fall to spend a morning learning the basics of Impact Austin's grants and any changes veteran applicants need to know about.
On November 19, 2015, eighty-five participants representing sixty-nine nonprofits gathered to learn more from a group of experts!
Connie Lawyer, Impact Austin Grants Chair, opened the meeting and then turned the microphone over to Sheryl Brown, Impact Austin Nonprofit Coordinator.

Sheryl reviewed the five grants offered for 2016 and presented a step-by-step overview of the grant process. She talked about the new Catalyst Grant and other improvements that Impact Austin has made.

Wendy Varnell, Deputy Executive Director of Lifeworks, continued the program from the nonprofit community perspective and graciously shared her experience as an Impact Austin grant applicant.

The program closed with a panel discussion featuring Wendy Varnell, Lifeworks; Betsy Blair, Impact Austin, Grants Innovation Chair; Linda Welsh, Impact Austin Grant Finance Chair; and moderated by Connie Lawyer Impact Austin Grants Chair.
Continuing education is offered to our area nonprofits each year and Impact Austin is always a learning experience! Sheryl Brown’s expressive brown eyes light up when she talks about this annual event.
“The Nonprofit Workshop is such a great way to kick off the grants cycle. This is my second year as Nonprofit Coordinator, and I truly enjoy looking around the room and knowing that some of the participants may be posing with checks for the $100,000 or $50,000 grants in June! It’s also inspiring to find out about new programs and services that benefit the Austin area,” she said with a smile.
Interested in learning more about applying for a grant from Impact Austin? Just click Apply for Grants!

Special thanks to Region 13 Center for use of their meeting facilities, and thank you to Thundercloud Subs for providing our lunch!
You can find a complete album with more pictures of this event at Impact Austin 2015 Nonprofit Workshop Album.