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We have learned alongside our Community Partners as they have faced challenges, overcome barriers, and achieved extraordinary successes. Find out more about each project and the outcomes below.







Interfaith Action of Central Texas


Interfaith Action of Central Texas

Interfaith Action of Central Texas

Project Title:

Program: iLearn - Refugee Youth Education Program

Project Description:   

Interfaith Action of Central Texas cultivates peace and respect through interfaith dialogue, service, and celebration. As one of its four core programs, iACT teaches English as a Second Language and cultural skills to newly-arrived refugees. Its youth component, the iLearn Refugee Youth Education Program, provides refugee children language and cultural orientation in summer day camp, Saturday drop-in tutoring, and year-round teen mentoring. 

Interfaith Action will hire a Refugee Youth Program Coordinator to recruit, train, and manage youth volunteers and mentors. During the summer, 50 students will participate in the summer camp program and many will be provided on-going mentoring throughout the upcoming school year.

Grant Status:   


  • Program Coordinator hired

  • 71 volunteers recruited and trained

  • 49 volunteers served as teacher’s aides for the summer program

  • 28 volunteers participated in Saturday tutoring

  • 30 volunteers served as 1:1 mentors for high school students

  • The iLearn summer program served 139 refugee children

  • 24 students were served at Saturday morning tutoring

  • 19 teens were mentored

For More Information:   

Related Reports:

Grant Outcomes Report
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Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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