We have learned alongside our Community Partners as they have faced challenges, overcome barriers, and achieved extraordinary successes. Find out more about each project and the outcomes below.
Health & Well-Being
Helping Hand Home for Children
Project Title:
Families First
Project Description:
Helping Hand Home for Children provides nurturing and therapeutic homes for children who have suffered abuse and neglect. The nonprofit’s goal is to heal these children and ultimately return them to healthy and permanent families.
The Impact Austin grant will be used to expand the capacity of the Families First Program which recruits, trains and supports families that will foster and adopt children with complex trauma in the foster care system. The grant will allow Helping Hand Home for Children to hire staff to recruit an additional 25 families and place an additional 30 children in highly trained homes.
Grant Status:
The $111,500 grant expanded the capacity of the Families First Program, even beyond Helping Hand Home’s goals. With the hiring of a second Family Home Developer, they achieved these outcomes:
Exceeded their goal of 25 to recruit and train 44 families as part of their Foster and Adoption program
Exceeded their goal of 30 to place 60 children in homes
Exceeded their goal of 35 to benefit 51 children benefiting with transition services
Exceeded their goal of 50 to benefit 82 family members with transition services
During the COVID -19 pandemic, Helping Hand Home pivoted to virtual services. But they found that virtual pre-service training actually reduced barriers to attendance (transportation, childcare) and caused a spike in attendance!