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We have learned alongside our Community Partners as they have faced challenges, overcome barriers, and achieved extraordinary successes. Find out more about each project and the outcomes below.








Austin Parks Foundation


Austin Parks Foundation

Austin Parks Foundation

Project Title:

Barton Creek Trail Corps

Project Description:   

Austin Parks Foundation (APF) is committed to creating and sustaining beautiful and active parks throughout Austin by seeking to fill the gap between what needs to be done and what the Austin parks department can afford to do. 

The Barton Creek Trail Corps addresses environmental issues through a restoration and improvement project for the Barton Creek Greenbelt wherein young adults gain professional experience in the green job sector. The program incorporates a multifaceted approach, which involves educating the public, raising awareness, increasing financial donations, and thus continuing to fund the Barton Creek Trail Corps into the future. The improvements will take place along the eight-mile main trail of Barton Creek Greenbelt running from Zilker Park to Camp Craft Road.

Grant Status:   

APF contracted with American YouthWorks Environmental Corp to staff the project, which enabled underprivileged young adults to gain professional experience in the green job sector. The Barton Creek Trail Corps crew spent 6,393 hours on the project. APF collaborated with the City of Austin Parks & Recreation Department, Hill Country Conservancy, and American YouthWorks. The total cost was $210,588, and $105,000 was funded by Impact Austin.

APF completed trail repair and improvements along eight-miles of the main trail that provide a sustainable but natural surface for walking, running, and biking. Two 500 feet areas remain rocky to facilitate drainage given the natural run-off patterns and flooding history in that part of the greenbelt. Progress in removing, treating, and managing large stands of invasive species has caused a dramatic increase in native grasses and plants. Interestingly, the hot, dry weather worked in their favor and allowed APF to expand work on flood damaged and eroded areas of the trail, thus increasing the projects from 46 to 61.

APF projected 800 community volunteers, but 1,841 volunteers donated more than 4,542 hours between September 2010 and December 2011. APF plans to continue with at least three major volunteer events per year. They have created an ongoing maintenance plan to be used by future trail corps crews, and they will continue to secure funds for ongoing maintenance to ensure the sustainability of this project.

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Impact Austin Foundation is incorporated in the state of Texas and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible.  EIN 56-2367666.

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