Kimberly Theodore Sidey, Associate Director of Development of ZACH Theatre touched base with us recently and shared some great news.
(ZACH's Arts Across the Curriculum program was an Impact Austin grant winner in 2013)
Kimberly said, “I am sending along the findings from the research study we had conducted on our Arts Across the Curriculum program. We have concluded our grant period with Impact Austin as a Community Partner, and I know we no longer need to report out on the program's progress, but this study was funded by the Impact Austin grant and we really want to share the good news.”
“It simply wouldn't have happened without the Impact Austin's support, and I think you'll be excited to read the results! Most notably we found that:

· Students who participated in ZACH's Arts Across the Curriculum program improved by 87% on assessments measuring vocabulary recall and complex understanding.
· And improved by 137% on assessments measuring fluency and flexibility in creativity.
· But most exciting of all, students who struggle the most and are considered the lowest performers in their class, had the greatest improvement--averaging a 282% increase in vocabulary recall and complex understanding and a 263% increase in fluency and flexibility in creativity.”
“Please feel free to share with your colleagues at Impact Austin; we would love for them to know how their support has made such a difference to our organization.”
“We can't tell you how exciting, motivating, and useful this research study will be in the program's design, implementation, growth, and funding moving forward, and we are incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to be a Community Partner these last couple of years.”
Arts Across Curriculum Research Study PDF (linked to PDF)
Congratulations ZACH Theatre!